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Rocky's Angel Friends

Welcome to Rocky's Angel friends page. 

Please leave a graphic / picture, and a short story about your loved one.  All our Angels are forever in my heart.  Thank you for sharing your Angel and being an Angel Friend to my handsome son.



Rocky Allan Lindley was born on August 28, 1983 in Freeport, Texas and recieved his Angel wings on October 19, 2007 at the young age of 24.



Felix Martin April 24, 2012
My Precious Little Angel 'Nini'
image Carolynne Mary Martin who was born on August 8, 1991 and became our Angel on November 2, 2007. She will live forever in our memories and hearts. Her spirit, happiness, laughter will stay with us forever.  Nini, as she loved to be called, was an angel on earth and now in heaven, she brightened a room with a unincredible smile that was so contagious you couldnt look away. Her love for nature and animals showed us her weakness. Her hugs are still unforgettable, I still feel them now! She lived life to the fullest and did everything she can imagine, that we thank. Her beautiful long hair shined from a mile away, she never wanted to cut it!

I remember the first time,
I saw your fragile form.
A brand new life brought into being,
So bright, so sweet, so warm.

As days passed I held your hand,
I watched you thrive and grow.
You showed such light with each new day,
More love then I could know.

Each night as you went to bed,
I’d pray for your sweet sleep.
Asking God “Please hold my child,
And may her soul forever keep.”

Like a flower in the Spring,
You grew before my loving gaze.
My little girl, a child no more,
An eternity feels like days.

Then came the day of sorrow,
One single moment that tore us apart.
Forever, my life was changed that day,
Left with a daddy’s broken heart.

Heaven is your home now,
Safe with God’s love so tender.
Still your daddy is still waiting, Nini,
Always know, Beloved, I still remember .
Tina Fulton October 2, 2011
Mom to Lindsay Rose Fulton

                          Missing my baby girl!

My beautiful daughter LINDSAY ROSE was diagnosed with stage 4 ewings sarcoma when she was sixteen years old, she fought it hard for 18 months and passed away at the age of 18. Life will never be the same without her here. God Bless!




Forever Family to Angel V.Borg June 7, 2011
Forever In Our Hearts Vee
image This is in Your Loving Memory of You Sweet Precious and Beautiful Daughter.We will always remember Your Beautiful Smile and Your kind Personality that touched all who knew You...You encouraged all of us with Your positive out look on life.You live on in our hearts forever VEE.
Thank You Claudia for leeing my Angel Vee Join in Your Beautiful and Handsome Son Rocky Memorial.God Bless us All oxoxoxo
dragan's dad April 27, 2011

My son Dragan spent the Friday evening and into the night partying with his friends, and having a good time.He thought he could handle driving normally, late after midnight,crossways withouth lighting, most probably- tired and dreamy. He died instantly on the place of accident at home coming in Saturday, 02:55 AM on  September 12th,2009 in car rollover, from various heads injuries,at the age of 24.He was not tied.

Life and the things we experience are a big mystery. In an accident sometimes involving unexplainable moment. Dragan was taken in the blink of an eye, probably due to a poor decision, that many  other young men his age have made.

Dragan  will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Berislav Jovic,  dragan's dad                            


As long as we have the love and prayers of each of you,we can live our lives in the hearts of all of you.

( Our Angels )

Colleen March 30, 2011
My Beautiful Angel Tiffany
image My daughter Tiffany was born June 5, 1984 and went to her heavenly home March 21, 2004.
Tiffany was 19 years old.  I miss her so much.  I have comfort knowing that i will see her again
when God calls me home.
Curtis Darek Dawson March 17, 2011
"My son, My angel"

Terri Bowden February 16, 2011
Brent Bowden
mom~Shane Ramirez January 27, 2011
Our Beloved Shane

                          My Beautiful Shane

                   Forever and Always in my Heart

   Shane was born in Mesa,Arizona at 5:04 Am On Christmas Eve 1972. He is my only Son,My first born,Before him I lost my first baby who was a little boy,so when i had him God gave me a beautiful Son. On March 15th 2009 God called him home,I don't understand why......This picture is of Shanes 36th birthday two and half months before,he had a seizure and developed a severe Sepsis infection like mersa from the hospital and his body was so weak to fight it off, it threw him into Cardiac arrest.We were shocked.Our World,Our Life has Changed Forever.I Miss you so much my Handsome Son,I will forever hold you in my heart,Not a day passes I don't cry to have you with me.                

Diane/Mom to Jimmy Brozzetti January 20, 2011


           You can try to rewind time 
           But in your hearts and your minds 
           I will never die 
           I am forever alive 
           And I continue growing”

Ada Cruz December 6, 2010
In Honor of Our Precious Angels
image Sending all my love to my sweet Angel Jacob Cruz and all our Angels! All the special memories keep us strong and are truly loved and missed ♥♥♥

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